Sunday, March 1, 2009

Video Growing Bells of Ireland

Here is a video on how to grow Bells of Ireland

Growing Bells of Ireland

These are Bells of Ireland and I'm learning how to grow these this spring. I'm considering growing these in a planter, but I'm not sure. Here is a great blog post about how to grow Bells of Ireland

What I like about this plant is the collection of the seeds during the end of the season when the Bells on the plant turn brown. Here is a great graphic on what that looks like and how to gather the seeds.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Easy Raised Garden

Another raised garden super easy!

Creating a Raised Garden

By: Anne Haynes

This weekend I went to home depot and purchased organic seeds. With the addition of my new roommate and her green thumb we are planning a veggie garden. Today at work I spoke with a couple of people and they all recommended using a raised garden instead of a tradition garden in the ground for a few reasons:

1. A raised garden reduces pest
2. Less water is needed to grow veggies
3. Easier on the back when weeding the garden
4. No need for a rototiller or treating the soil

During my research on raised gardens I ran across this video on Youtube. There's no need to build a two foot wood border around your raised garden, you can use cement blocks! This gardening stuff get's easier and easier the more I research!